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The Next Human

'Portrait of a Human Being'
World population evolution from 1950 to 2100
source The world Bank

Painted with Data & Artificial Intelligence

The New Human.gif

Data-based Portrait of The Next Human in 2100

painted with a Neural Network of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The AI model was trained with worldwide population statistics

reported by United Nations, from 1950 to 2100.

Human in 1950


Human in 2100


The New Human seeing by AI

Data reveals interesting facts on Humanity:

  • Gender equal : there are as men as women in Humanity. We are 50/50.

  • Getting older : today average human is 31 years old

  • Get more people : today there are 4 times more people on earth than in 1950.

  • Pivoting to Africa : 1 human out of 3 will be African in 2100.

The Next Human

The Next Human

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'The Next Human'
Making of

From data...

UN Sources.png
UN Logo.png Art

Human in 2100

Sources of Information

United Nations makes an enormous effort to gather statistics about the world population across the 200 countries. That's the 'bible' for numbers around humanity, it is about us, how many we are and how human kind evolves in term of age, gender and race. The UN publishes regular updates of the country by country data keeping history from 1950 to projections of the future population until 2100. They make the data accessible to the general public. Nonetheless, the information takes the form of a massive excel table with 40,000 data points and it is hard to learn anything at a glance.


That's why need the help of Artificial Intelligence to give light to the data. 


Interesting facts about Humanity

Humanity is naturally gender-equal : with as many men as women.

Actually with slightly more men than women with a 'sex ratio' of 101 men for 100 women. 

This is explained by an evolutionary theory stating that we need more boys because they are more likely to die : from accidents, taking risks, suicides and from health problems. 


Humanity has 4 times more people on earth today than in 1950. 

A baby will born today in a population 4 times bigger than when his grand father born.

A Baby-Boomer grew up with a humanity counting with 2.5 Billion people and his grandson will grow up in a world of 8 Billion people. For each person living in 1950, 4 are living now.

Human is getting older.

The average age of a human living in 1950 was 23 years old, 31 years old in 2020 and 41 years old in 2100.

More than ever BlackLivesMatter.

In 2100, 1 human out of 3 will be African.

In 1950, the world population was mainly composed by Asians (33%) and Whites (29%), that's how the world looked like when Baby-Boomers grew up. A baby born today will enter in a different world composed mainly of Asians (30%) and Indians (26%).

For 2100, United Nations predicts that Humanity will evolve again and be mainly African (35%), followed far away by Indians (21%). 

Artificial Intelligence to portray Humanity 

Pre-trained model (StyleGan2) enabled by face generator software allowing feature vectorization of age, gender and race.

getting older.png
world 4 times bigger.png
gender equality.png
UN Logo.png

The Portrait of

'The Next Human' in 2100

Human in 2100

The Human Face

Evolution since 1950

The New Human seeing by AI
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